The Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Zaragoza is a Public Law Body founded in 1886 aiming at encouraging the public-private dialogue by representing, promoting and defending the general interests of Commerce, Industry and Services of the province of Zaragoza vis-a-vis the Public Administration.
Currently, we represent an area of almost 1 million inhabitants and 65.218 companies and our 45 high-qualified specialists have a great expertise in the design and provision of services focused on helping and supporting our SMEs by training, advising and networking activities.
We are certified by UNE-EN-ISO-9001:2008 (Quality Management System) and UNE-EN-ISO-14001-2004 (Environment Management System) and obtained the “2016 Quality Award for Erasmus + projects in the field of vocational training”, which recognizes the optimal management of its projects and trajectory in European educational programs.

IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH is a service provider for Vocational Education and Training (VET) at regional, national and international level. As a 100% subsidiary company of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (competent body in VET) we act as a service provider and partner for the Chamber of Industry and their member companies (90% SME) as well as Chamber of Crafts, Ministries and other institutions who are promoting economic development.
Furthermore we are initiator, leader and active partner of different strategic VET partnerships at regional and national level (public institution). Our team consists of 60 highly qualified specialists and we provide services for companies, enterprises, institutions as well as individuals. IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH has established and applies a quality management system for planning, conception and management of educational programmes, projects and other services. We are regularly subject of audits. They proof that the requirements according to ISO 9001:2015 are fulfilled.

Instituto Inter is a private VET school located in Valencia (Spain) which started teaching professionals in 1977 in different areas: Vocational Training, Training for the Employment, Teaching for getting Professional Certificates from the Industry Department, private courses just to learn the profession.
It is authorised by Conselleria de Cultura, Educación y Ciencia de la Generalitat Valencia,D.O.G.V.de 8/9/99 (Centre number:46023055 ) to teach VOCATIONAL TRAINING: Car Mechanics , Auxiliary Nursing Care, Electrics and Automatics, Childhood Education, Dietetics , Electrotechnical Installations, Dental Hygiene. It is also validated by the SERVEF for official courses for unemployed people, and authorised by the Servicio Territorial de Dirección General de Industria y Energía de la Generalitat Valenciana.
The centre has 7 years of experience in managing European projects due to its internationalization strategy, which is a key point in its curricular development.

Epralima Vocational Training School is a private and cooperative School, which focuses on Vocational Education and Training, offering Youth and Adult Education Training Courses at II, III, IV and V European levels. The School’s main focus is the Youth Vocational Education and Training and the successful transition between school and labour market.
Since 1998, Epralima has been working in European Mobility Programmes, as a sending and hosting organization. Epralima also promotes Lifelong Vocational Guidance and Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences at educational and professional levels.

The “Istituto di Istruzione Superiore di Codogno” (IIS Codogno) is a technical and vocational school located in Codogno, a small town not far from Milan, in the North of Italy. Students are aged 14-19. IIS Codogno is composed of three different schools: Istituto Ambrosoli and Istituto Calamandrei, located in Codogno, and Istituto Merli-Villa Igea located in Lodi. IIS Codogno offers a wide range of learning opportunities: business and administration at Istituto Calamandrei; car mechanics, technical assistance and maintenance
at Istituto Ambrosoli, cooking, bakery, farming at Istituto Merli-Villa Igea. All the students are involved in apprenticeships and internships and the school has cooperation agreements with public bodies, universities, companies for the professional development of students.
Students are also involved in projects addressed to the local community, such as courses to teach technology to the elderly or to help immigrants to learn Italian as a second language and volunteering activities of various kinds. IIS Codogno has recently been appointed as a Center for the Promotion of Legality.

GEI is focused on adult training and learning, we host students at WBL model. Our objective is to help institutions and enterprises to improve their services, through the training and learning of the key individuals both in attitudes and in professional behavior.

INOVA+ is an expert provider of consultancy services in the fields of innovation and technology, specialised in supporting the growth of organisations through innovation, international cooperation and access to funding. Created in 1997, INOVA+ operates from Portugal and has offices in Belgium, Germany and Poland.

ABIF is a private non-profit research organisation in the fields of labour market policies, quality in VET, continuous training and vocational Orientation. We carry out EU projects, national research projects and evaluates labour market programs. We create knowledge to make an impact by connecting research with practice.

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is a research organization committed to the promotion of innovation and the enhancement of the entrepreneurial spirit. By recognizing entrepreneurship as a crucial factor for the development and cohesion of societies, we develop research and are in a position to provide innovative solutions that facilitate the growth of healthy entrepreneurship and promote employment.

Kahramanmaraş Provincial Directorate of National Education started service as Maraş Directorate of Education according to the Law on the Organization of Education that was published on 22 March 1926 and went into effect on 3 April 1926. Our institution is working as the most authoritative public body planning and coordinating all formal and informal educational activities within the provincial organisation of the Ministry of Education. The institution is in charge of coordinating, regulating and auditing schools and educational institutions serving under the ministry in 11 towns, 2 of which are in the city centre. As of 2018, there are 1084 schools, 474 subsidiaries, 9433 classrooms, 261.854 students and 13.854 teachers in the institution.